Jesus said, “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the
full, till it overflows).” (John 10:10 – Amplified)
Jesus went to a whole lot of trouble to give you a great life. He left the comfort of
heaven, took on the form of a servant, and suffered humiliation and tremendous pain
in order to give you a life of abundance.
Abundance isn’t about things – it’s about people, relationships, God, and qualities of
the heart. But many of us settle for so much less than God is offering. We acquire a
few toys and play alone, or we work so much that we find no time to enjoy life.
What would an overflowing abundant life look like for you?
Is your quiet time with God something amazing – a glimpse of heaven, inspiring and
exciting? Do you expectantly look forward to talking with your Creator each day? Are
you yearning for the day when you meet Jesus face to face?
Have you caught the true spirit of Christmas this season? Do you feel compelled to
share the hope and joy of Christ’s birth? Is the joy of the Lord a powerful force that
overflows from your heart into the lives of others?
How does God want to bless you and your family? Is it through giving more of
yourself and your resources? Are you thinking too small or “putting ceilings” on what
God can do? Is there a challenge or opportunity God has placed before you that you
have walked away from or neglected?
Is fear or some unresolved issue from your past keeping you from moving forward?
Have you resigned yourself to a life of mediocrity because you are afraid of change?
What desire has God put in your heart that you are not pursuing?
Why not doubt your doubts? Why not decide today to throw off anything that is
holding you back?
God wants to fill you until you overflow with the brilliant and glorious light of the
coming King. This Christmas as you spend time in his presence, you will reflect
Christ’s love, joy and peace to the world around you.
Why not step into the abundant life Christ has designed just for you?