John Lennon wrote: “Life is what happens to you while you are busy making
other plans.” I think for many people life is what happens because they haven’t
made plans.
Ever feel like you are going nowhere fast or feel lost on your journey? In the
children’s movie Land Before Time one young dinosaur named Sarah was
always going the wrong way. “Wrong-way Sarah” seemed to have no inner
compass. She would randomly pick a direction and stubbornly refuse to alter her
path even when confronted with signs she was headed in the wrong direction.
Sound familiar? I know I’ve been there at times.
My mother’s maiden name was Hedden and she was frequently teased with
comments like: “Headin’ for the last round-up?” But it’s no laughing matter when
we feel we are floundering through life without purpose or a clear sense of
Do you have a general destination in mind? Have you set some specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic, time-limited (S.M.A.R.T.) goals?
Steve Covey’s first habit of highly successful people is that they begin with the
end in mind. If you are clear about where you are going you are much more
likely to end up there.
Scripture tells us: “Without a vision the people perish.” Do you have a vision for
your mission in life? What is your true calling? Where does God want to take
you? If you haven’t taken the time lately to ponder these questions, I encourage
you to take the time. Write down your vision for the future and list your primary
goals. People who do this are much more likely to actually achieve their goals.
And, don’t forget to consult your Creator as you plan your future. “Unless the
Lord builds they labor in vain who build it.” (Psalms 127:1) “A man’s mind plans
his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)
“He who fails to plan… plans to fail.”