Holy Wisdom

People seek me out to talk about their problems, to gain perspective, and to acquire
wisdom. Counseling and life coaching provide an often needed format for self-discovery
and growth. Answers that are otherwise elusive become more accessible as we think
out loud about life with a supportive professional. Yet, all of us also need to consult
with the Great Counselor and Teacher who offers answers that transcend this world’s

The combined understanding of all the great philosophers, psychologists, and
cosmologists of this world cannot explain the mystery of our existence. No mere mortal
can advise even the simplest person on how they should live their life to be all that they
were created to be.

Only one person, one cosmic voice that is older than time, can answer the deepest
questions of life. And yet He is often the last one we turn to! God’s Word says: “If any
of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He is generous and enjoys giving to all
people, so he will give you wisdom.” (James 1:5)

Are you living life, day to day, on your own power, fueling your decisions with advice
from people who can only speak from their limited experience? Or, do you seek out holy
wisdom from above – from the one true source of all knowledge? Your Creator is the
only one who can tell you why you exist.

The great thing about God’s wisdom is that it is pure and loving. He has no selfish
agenda or bias. Our Heavenly Father truly wants each one of us to know his mind and
heart. Yet our ways are not His ways. Only as we lay down our lives and trust in God,
who manifests his great love for us through Christ’s sacrificial death, can we receive his
mind and heart. As we seek God’s wisdom we must be willing to be changed. God
desires to mold us into vessels capable of holding his Holy Spirit!

If we settle for our earthly wisdom and love our own opinion too much, there will be no
room for God. Jesus models emptying out selfish motives by laying down his life for us,
and he leads us into the Holy of Holies. Wisdom calls to us saying: “You must be holy,
even as I am holy.” Be broken before God and cry out for mercy & grace. Christ desires
to give you his peace, hope, and love. And, as we listen humbly, patiently, worshipfully
– God will speak words of holy wisdom.

Jesus said: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (Jn 10:27)

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About Bill Kuntz

Christian Life Coach and psychologist, husband to Wanda, dad to Kathy and Kristy, adopted son to God. I enjoy writing and blogging. My new passion is writing and speaking to inspire others to be all that God made them to be. I work with couples, families, and individuals (particularly young adults and adolescents) in my psychotherapy practice. As a life and leadership coach, I specialize in assisting pastors discern God's highest calling and to achieve high goals without sacrificing connections with family and friends. Please call if you or someone you care about needs counseling or coaching. My phone number is 314-647-4695.

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