What is it God created you to do with your one and only life? Some people seem to know their true calling from an early age, but most of us are discovering our true God-given purpose as we go along. As we prayerfully set goals and move toward them, God will lead and guide us toward our highest calling.
I’ve always liked the analogy of a guided missile. As long as a missile stays in the silo it cannot be directed, but once it is moving – even if it is going in the wrong direction – it can be guided to its intended destination. Too often we stay immobilized in fear rather than moving out in faith. Trust that God will direct and re-direct you as you move forward and seek to do his will.
King David said, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalms 37:4) The problem for some of us is that we don’t even know what we desire in this life. God has a purpose and calling for each of us. What is yours? What are you passionate about? If we put God first, I believe he will stir our passions and lead us into our dreams. We may not always know where we want to go in life or what we are supposed to do next, but as we consider our calling and make a plan, God will direct our steps.
Once you have a goal, make a plan and write it down. The simple act of writing out your goals increases the odds that you will attain them. Some people find if helpful to make a list of all the various roles they play in life (husband, father, brother, friend, employee, etc.) and then list their goals for each role.
No matter what your stage of life or your present situation, you need a plan. No matter how difficult things are or how hopeless your circumstances may feel, don’t give up on your goals and decide to coast through life without purpose. Too many of those I counsel have fallen into a deep depression because they are focused on past failures or difficulties and have lost sight of their dreams.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18a)
There is no limit to what God can accomplish in and through you. Never doubt that your life has great purpose or that God has an important mission for you to fulfill. Move forward in faith and see what God will do!
Thanks very much Bro. Kuntz. I always read all your coaching mails with a lot of joy because each time I am challenged to move forward or reminded of God’s plan for my life. May God continue to use you to be a blessing to humanity.
Thanks Felix. I appreciate your affirmation!
I agree Bill, God has no limit for us, yet we are our own limit. Thanks for your monthly words of encouragement. I like your new format!
Thanks Gary. You are a blessing!
Thanks for this encouragement Bill! I love your new website. Keep up the great work!
Wow Bill, it’s as if you wrote this one just for me!! Thanks for the encouraging words. I believe you know where my head is on some things I am going through and I think this affirmation is right up my alley. Thanks.