Do you hunger and thirst for God? Our hearts crave many things in this
world that are temporary – that can only satisfy us for a few hours or days.
Have you considered what might satisfy your soul for all eternity?
The Prophet Jeremiah said that anyone who sought after God with all his
heart would find him. (See Jeremiah 29:13-14.) When the disciples urged
Jesus to eat something, he said “I have food to eat that you know nothing
about…my food is to do the will of him who sent me…” (John 4:32-34)
Why would anyone who is well-fed and content with his life search for God,
especially when God seems nebulous and far off? When your life is full and
God is unnecessary and irrelevant, searching for God seems like a waste of
Even if you don’t yet believe in God, I encourage you to ask God to give you
a hunger to know him. The Creator of the Universe created us for fellowship
with him, and each of us are incomplete without an intimate relationship with
If you hunger and thirst for spiritual food – for fellowship with your Creator
and the Father of life, God promises to show up and reveal himself to you.
What have you got to lose? Prayerfully and humbly cry out to God and ask
him for faith to believe.
If you ask – if you are hungry – you can receive the food that lasts. Like the
woman at the well, your thirst can be satisfied with Living Water. Jesus can
quench your thirst for all eternity. Don’t be satisfied until you eat and drink
deeply of the Body and Blood of Christ. No one else can truly satisfy your
deepest longings. Come to him hungry and thirsty – you were made to be
satisfied in Him!