What a wonderful time of year this is for those of us who know the Prince of Peace.
No matter what difficulties we face we can rest in Christ and receive anew the joy of
his birth. When all around us seems hectic, stressful, or even hostile – we can
remain calm in His Peace that surpasses understanding and delight in the Joy of the
Lord which is our strength.
Here is a meditation to help you enjoy the life of peace Jesus gives to all who open
their hearts to Him:
He lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water. (Psalm 23:2)
Today in these quiet moments, you are creating space for your soul. You have set aside
this time for you. Allow yourself to step away from the noise and pressure of life’s
demands. Clear your mind of any distracting thoughts and focus on the growing feeling of
relaxation and calm as you listen to the sound of my voice.
Listen also to the quiet and serenity deep within you. Your heart contains a still calm well of peace and rest. Focus on the beauty within your soul and see the sparkling, crystalclear water of God’s love and peace as it bathes your mind and sets you free. Right now – in this moment, let go of the struggle. Release your anxieties and fears. Entrust yourself into God’s strong hands.
Be at peace with yourself and with all creation. Your Creator is near and his love surrounds you. Receive the peace of Christ into your very core – your heart of hearts. Exhale all worries and cares and breathe in His peace. “My peace I give to you,” Jesus says; “not as the world gives give I unto you.” Let the peace of Christ which surpasses all understanding dwell in your heart today – this very moment.
Be filled to overflowing with peace, hope and joy. Allow God’s Spirit to comfort and heal
you as you place yourself into his loving arms and feel his secure embrace. He is
protecting you from all harm. You are safe and secure in Christ – at rest and secure –
calm and content. Breathe in relaxation and peace. Exhale any remaining tension or inner
discord. Breathe in God’s love, forgiveness, and rest. Becoming more and more relaxed
with each breath you take…more and more relaxed, more and more serene, totally at
peace – calm and safe – content and secure. Let Jesus set you free. Soar on the wings
of love – high above the troubles below, free from all stress, filled with God’s peace.