Many years before God made him a king, David became incensed when he learned that the army of the one true God was frozen in fear – “dismayed and terrified” by Goliath (1 Samuel 17:11 / NIV). Yes, the Philistine was almost 10 feet tall, but what does that matter to the God who created the universe?
When mocked, laughed at, and threatened by Goliath, David stood his ground courageously. This young shepherd told his gigantic opponent that, no matter how impossible it might seem, God would deliver Goliath into his hands. “I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty,” David announced, confident that His God would grant him victory (1 Samuel 17:45 / NIV). Then, in what must have appeared to be reckless courage, David ran towards his adversary.
You know the rest of the story. Goliath was covered in armor, held a huge shield, and held high a giant-sized sword. David had no armor, shield, or sword – only a sling and five stones (four more than he needed)!
I don’t know about you… but when the ‘Goliaths’ in my life try to convince me I am all but dead and that I don’t have a prayer, my faith and confidence tend to crumble. I believe this is often the result of focusing too much on our adversary the devil, our own human weakness, and our personal lack of resources, instead of focusing on our Savior, Champion, and Lord.
The one true and living God, LORD of Heaven and Earth, will ultimately win as we place our unswerving faith in Him.
When will we finally find that our faith is the formidable force we need? Will we then see the true power of Christ over all our foes? Will we trust in Him and rest assured that He lives within us and surrounds us even when we feel inadequate?
Life sometimes has a way of beating us down and bringing us to the edge of defeat. But these are the times when we must stand firm on the Rock of our salvation and confidently wait for Christ to calm the storm. If God can use David to topple Goliath with one small stone, there is no end to what He can do through us! Stand strong young warrior and see what God will do. Remember the battle still belongs to the Lord!