Master Your Habits

Most of us want to succeed in life and make a significant contribution to what
is good in the world. We want to leave our mark and make a difference in the
lives of those we love. Yet many feel frustrated, lost, ineffective, or
overwhelmed. Pain from our past, counter-productive thinking, and bad
habits can immobilize us. Some have lost sight of their dreams or fallen into
habits they cannot control.

What we do consistently – our daily and weekly routines – determine to a
great extent who we become. While many forces affect us that are beyond
our control, self-discipline and a life of purposeful choices lived out with
integrity will always lead to greater success.

Take a look at your weekly schedule. Are you accomplishing the important
things? Are you spending adequate time with family and friends? Are you
pursuing your God-given callings and developing powerful habits that will
catapult you forward? Are you taking the time to plan – writing down your
long-range goals, breaking them into small doable steps, and writing these
important tasks into your schedule? What distractions or negative habits do
you need to master? Do you begin each day with God and listen to Him as
you make your plans?

Is the ladder you are climbing leaning against the correct wall – the challenge
you were created to conquer?

Master your time and achieve your goals by mastering yourself. Get
whatever assistance you need to defeat negative habits before they defeat
you. Be accountable to an encouraging friend or coach who will challenge
you to be your best. And, prayerfully discipline your God-given life. The
Power that raised Jesus from the dead can raise your life to a higher level.
Don’t stray off course – master your habits, your schedule, and your life. And
give your Master all that you have to give – your very best.

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About Bill Kuntz

Christian Life Coach and psychologist, husband to Wanda, dad to Kathy and Kristy, adopted son to God. I enjoy writing and blogging. My new passion is writing and speaking to inspire others to be all that God made them to be. I work with couples, families, and individuals (particularly young adults and adolescents) in my psychotherapy practice. As a life and leadership coach, I specialize in assisting pastors discern God's highest calling and to achieve high goals without sacrificing connections with family and friends. Please call if you or someone you care about needs counseling or coaching. My phone number is 314-647-4695.

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