For many thousands, working with a coach is a life changing experience.
Perspective is often illuminated, goals are clarified and barriers to progress are crushed. The value of working with a coach is that s/he hears you, asks thought provoking questions, adds objective observations, and supports you in developing a strategy to move toward your goals.
For a Christian, there is a different perspective in life mission, ethics, relationships, and the decision making process because such things are laced with prayer – seeking the guidance of the Lord. There is an underlying depth of faith that can only be shared with a coach who is a believer of like mind. A Christian coach walks alongside you providing prayer support, encouragement and challenges, to support you in becoming all that you perceive God wants you to be, do, and become.
• Dare to create new ways to leverage your strengths.
• Demolish mindsets that hold you back.
• Mesh your values with your lifestyle.
• Manage your energy, not just your time.
• Define and refine your mission for yourself, your family, ministry or business.
• Carve out space for yourself, your family, and friends.
• Deepen your Christian walk.
• Discover new solutions to old problems.
• Accomplish more in less time and have fun doing it.
• Strengthen relationships.
• Clarify what really matters.
• Enlarge the vision for your ministry, business, career, relationships.
• Live passionately and joyfully
copyright Christian Coaches Network 2003. May be distributed with credits, without permission.

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About Bill Kuntz

Christian Life Coach and psychologist, husband to Wanda, dad to Kathy and Kristy, adopted son to God. I enjoy writing and blogging. My new passion is writing and speaking to inspire others to be all that God made them to be. I work with couples, families, and individuals (particularly young adults and adolescents) in my psychotherapy practice. As a life and leadership coach, I specialize in assisting pastors discern God's highest calling and to achieve high goals without sacrificing connections with family and friends. Please call if you or someone you care about needs counseling or coaching. My phone number is 314-647-4695.

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