“As you have done unto the least of these you have done unto me.” – Jesus Christ

Violence, abuse, apathy, lies, hatred, lust, pain, murder, theft, deceit, disrespect, slander,rape, insults, rage, revenge, neglect, ridicule, humiliation, degradation, greed, cheating,divorce, rejection, avoidance, defamation, war, torture, malice, ignoring, pretending,poisoning, demoralizing, corrupting, immorality, profanity, defiance, self-righteousness,condemnation, viciousness, meanness, prejudice, dehumanizing, injurious words, belittling,mistreatment, inhumane acts, holocaust, genocide, suicide, contempt, shame, crucifixion.

We are all guilty of capitol crimes against our fellow man, against ourselves, and against our Creator.

Each one of us drove the nails into the Savior’s hands and feet. Every person who ever lived long enough to do evil has spit into the face of God. Whatever good we have done is insignificant compared to the shameful acts of rebellion and the selfish evils we have perpetuated onto others – even those God has sent to rescue us.

In the parable of the vineyard, Jesus describes the incredulous tale of workers who kill every messenger the owner of the vineyard sends – including his own son. We are those workers. We have killed the prophets, those with hearts of compassion who speak God’s truth, and we have killed the very Son of God.

Who will rescue us from our sin? How will humanity be saved from its brazen march into Hell? Thanks be to God. Jesus Christ the one and only Son of Father-God, and himself God, has already saved us. All we must do is receive his free gift of forgiveness. Even when we were crucifying this holy sinless Son of God, he lovingly took our penalty upon himself so that we could live forever with him. “He who knew no sin became sin that we might become the righteousness of God.” (II Cor 5:21)

What then will you say to Jesus when you meet him face to face? Will you have a defense good enough to convince him he didn’t need to suffer and die for your sins? Or will you now acknowledge your sin, ask for his forgiveness, and receive his life-and-soul-changing Spirit into your heart? Christ is still the way, the truth, and the life – the remedy which we all so desperately need.

William Kuntz specializes in coaching pastors and ministry leaders. He is a creative, compassionate, caring coach who understands the difficult task of balancing personal needs, family, and career. You can reach Bill at nbcoaching@aol.com.

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About Bill Kuntz

Christian Life Coach and psychologist, husband to Wanda, dad to Kathy and Kristy, adopted son to God. I enjoy writing and blogging. My new passion is writing and speaking to inspire others to be all that God made them to be. I work with couples, families, and individuals (particularly young adults and adolescents) in my psychotherapy practice. As a life and leadership coach, I specialize in assisting pastors discern God's highest calling and to achieve high goals without sacrificing connections with family and friends. Please call if you or someone you care about needs counseling or coaching. My phone number is 314-647-4695.

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